Connections to my past and present

The daughter of Sigurd,living in south Mississippi,far from the land where I was born and of my ancestors!

Monday, December 27, 2010


Last week,during the Lunar eclipse,this image was taken in Mexico City.I felt a powerful connection to it,at the time.I believe that there are Angels among us,there to help you through your difficult days....I've seen them when patients are knocking on Death's door,and my beloved Mamma saw one right before she took her last,I know that they are real....

Monday, December 13, 2010

My father's "stuff"

My father's "stuff",I am surrounded by so much of my father's "stuff."..Like the wonderful watercolor in the photograph.I have no idea where or when he got it, but I have it now...It deserves to be framed and hung on a wall,here,in my father's summer house, where we now live.
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Childhood's Joys

Life can get hectic sometimes,and we forget how something as simple as making a snowman can be a source of great joy.Just look at her face! Remember how much fun we had when we were kids ,making snowmen? You had to find the right carrot,for the nose, and sticks,for the ams. Maybe a hat or a scarf....Thanks,Jens O,for sending me this wonderful photo!
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BBC News - Anglesey cat's 30 minute car engine trip

Isn't it amazing that this cat lived to "meow" about it? Click on the link below to find out more...

BBC News - Anglesey cat's 30 minute car engine trip

At Ytre Moa

I thought that I would post another photo of my relative Robert's boys,taken at Ytre Moa,the old Viking farm.I absolutely LOVE this photo, but the small size here does not do it justice.I had it blown up to 8x10 and can't wait to have it framed.Keep them coming,Robert!
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A look back in time...

This is a photograph,from the late 1940's,of my brother,Arne William, and Farmor(my father's mother).I was looking through some old photos and thought that I'd share it with y'all.Sure looks like they were having fun! My memories of living in Vikeland,Vennesla,include skiing down the hill next to our house.I haven't been on skis since I was 6 years old, but I did take up ice skating when I was about 30! For those of you lucky enough to be able to do both this year,have fun and stay warm!
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What To Do Before and After a Forced Vaccination : Kevin Trudeau Show

It's flu time! Found this and it's great information.Click on the link below to read.

What To Do Before and After a Forced Vaccination : Kevin Trudeau Show

Our Family Tree

I thought that I would start a series on our family history, frustrated teacher that I am! Thanks to Tonya Brown and Jim Ellingboe for providing me with all the information about the Kvale family.They have both spent years doing research and we are the lucky recipients of their hard work.By now,those of you that I have been in contact with,already have the links to their websites.If anyone else is interested,please leave me a comment.The Kvale family has a long and rich history in Valdres.Our great grandfather,Jens Gulbrandsen Kvale,moved to Eidfjord in Hardanger and married Ingeborg Andersdatter Hereid,who was descended from the Galtung family.Through her ancestors, we are descended from people that you've heard of all your life and read about in history books. I think it would be fun to explore the lives of our ancestors, since much has been written about them.What started out with the "googling" of Anders Andersen Riber's name has lead to thousands of,let's learn a little about their lives.I'll have to work on this, so stay tuned!

WikiLeaks is revealing the truth about American empire (Rep. Ron Paul) - The Hill's Congress Blog

Great speech by Rep.Paul! He is ONE man in Washington who speaks the TRUTH!
Click below to get to the site.
WikiLeaks is revealing the truth about American empire (Rep. Ron Paul) - The Hill's Congress Blog

Saturday, December 11, 2010


This is a thread from ,my favorite conspiracy forum. Pretty interesting discussion about  the coming "little ice age".Click below to get to the site.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Will it snow this year in Poplarville?

It's been awfully cold the last week,but we've not seen any snow...yet. Last winter it snowed 3 times,but it didn't last long. Melted too soon.....No skiing down our hill on Pappa's old skis! The dogs didn't know what to think of the snow...first time that they'd ever seen it.No fun to drive in,either!


This reminds me of Arendal,but on a larger scale.

Neat clouds

By Steve Sharp
I'm fascinated by photographs of storm clouds....

Pollen, Arendal

During WWII, my father worked at the old Grand Hotel,which was located here. I still have the silver champagne cooler that my parents received as a wedding gift in 1942 ,from his co-workers at the hotel.I wonder how many times they looked at this view? It's been a while since I've seen it....

Photos from Norway

This is a photo from Romesdal,in Norway.I love the colors and have it as one of my screensavers.If only I could see it in person.....

Could you imagine living in an old church?

åpent hus: Salige rom: "Har du tenkt på hvordan det ville være å bo i et kirkerom? Så høyt under taket finnes ikke andre steder, gjør det vel? Denne gotiske..."

Hit vil jeg dra!(or I want to go here!)

I found this posted on a Norwegian blog.Looks like a neat place to escape to!

Ellas hverdagsgleder: Hit vil jeg dra!: "Kjære mannen min!Hit VIL jeg dra. Se for deg oss to på tur!Fysisk utfordring, herlige naturopplevelser, gode samtaler og ikke minstopplevels..."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's ALL Tabby's fault!

I found this drawing on an illustration blog and had to post it! I guess I can blame THIS blog on my precious little Jack Russell/ Schnauzer mix,Tabby!

Monday, December 6, 2010

My father's birthplace

This is where my father is from. He was born at the Gaukaas Stasjon in Nissedal,Treungen,Telemark in Norway.
This is a photo,from 1930,of the old railroad station, at Gaukaas.My grandfather,Anders Kvale,was the stationmaster there. He died in about 1923, when my father was 3 years old and my grandmother then took over his job.I recently found out that the building burned down in 2008.I never did get a chance to visit my father's childhood home, but the is a miniature railroad club in Norway that has included it in their site.

New addition to the family

New addition to the family, courtesy of my cousin,Jens.

Ode to Kitteh

Little Kitteh has joined her ancient Egyptian ancestors in Kitteh Heaven. :(

Family in Norway

I have new found family in Norway, and this is a photo of their 2 boys in Ytre Moa, an old Viking farm.

My Family

This is an old photo,taken in the late 1950's,of my parents,my brother,Arne William, and me.My brother stayed behind to go to college, and I didn't really get to know him...

Welcome to Ragnhild Sigurdsdatter!

Well,I've decided to finally do it! My first post! My name is Unni Ragnhild, and,yes, I am the daughter of Sigurd.Hence,the blog name.I was born in Norway,in Arendal,but,we moved to New Orleans in 1961.This will be a blog of my life down here in southern Mississippi,far from the land where I was born.The above photo is from Vegusdal,in Aust Agder in southern Norway, and it reminds me of my childhood days....Stay tuned....