Connections to my past and present

The daughter of Sigurd,living in south Mississippi,far from the land where I was born and of my ancestors!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Paco's Fur Blanket

With the weather getting cold at night,my Chihuahua,Paco,has his own fur blanket!He tends to be cold-natured,and here are three of our cats helping him to stay warm!

Monday, December 27, 2010


Last week,during the Lunar eclipse,this image was taken in Mexico City.I felt a powerful connection to it,at the time.I believe that there are Angels among us,there to help you through your difficult days....I've seen them when patients are knocking on Death's door,and my beloved Mamma saw one right before she took her last,I know that they are real....

Monday, December 13, 2010

My father's "stuff"

My father's "stuff",I am surrounded by so much of my father's "stuff."..Like the wonderful watercolor in the photograph.I have no idea where or when he got it, but I have it now...It deserves to be framed and hung on a wall,here,in my father's summer house, where we now live.
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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Childhood's Joys

Life can get hectic sometimes,and we forget how something as simple as making a snowman can be a source of great joy.Just look at her face! Remember how much fun we had when we were kids ,making snowmen? You had to find the right carrot,for the nose, and sticks,for the ams. Maybe a hat or a scarf....Thanks,Jens O,for sending me this wonderful photo!
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BBC News - Anglesey cat's 30 minute car engine trip

Isn't it amazing that this cat lived to "meow" about it? Click on the link below to find out more...

BBC News - Anglesey cat's 30 minute car engine trip

At Ytre Moa

I thought that I would post another photo of my relative Robert's boys,taken at Ytre Moa,the old Viking farm.I absolutely LOVE this photo, but the small size here does not do it justice.I had it blown up to 8x10 and can't wait to have it framed.Keep them coming,Robert!
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A look back in time...

This is a photograph,from the late 1940's,of my brother,Arne William, and Farmor(my father's mother).I was looking through some old photos and thought that I'd share it with y'all.Sure looks like they were having fun! My memories of living in Vikeland,Vennesla,include skiing down the hill next to our house.I haven't been on skis since I was 6 years old, but I did take up ice skating when I was about 30! For those of you lucky enough to be able to do both this year,have fun and stay warm!
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